I’ve started this blogging venture because it’s been on my mind for a very long time. I’ve been a Christian for 20+ years and have been studying the Bible while journaling my thoughts and convictions. That said, I now will share those studies with you. My intentions are to read and study the Bible from cover to cover (again), that is, from the beginning (Genesis) to the end (Revelations), verse by verse, or chapter by chapter (whichever one grabs me when I study), and chronologically. I would like to invite you to come along to “see” me finish the book, time how long it takes me, know how I feel or think about it, what I go through in life, how I apply it to my life, and how you too, might get encouragement and inspiration from God’s Word.
I believe that spreading the gospel and being saved is the most important thing in life. More important than pursuing a career or getting a degree or anything else in life. We were born to pursue God not all the things life has to offer and if we do that then he will bless us and make us successful as he directs our path.
I am married, and have been for 39 years. We have 6 lovely, grown kids. They have all been homeschooled with the youngest one now in high school. This has been our lifestyle for 20+ years.
We are from the island of Guam, a tiny little “rock” in the Pacific and a beautiful place not too many people know about.