The Plan of Salvation

The Plan of Salvation is really very simple. That’s how it was meant to be. But it still is a PLAN and there still is a way that it needs to be done. HERE IT IS: I am a proud member of the Church of Christ. The Bible teaches that it is the ONLY church… Continue reading The Plan of Salvation

The Man and Woman in Eden

Continuing my study of The Account Of Creation I now get to the part when man was created. Remember that he was created on the 6th day but here it tells how. From Genesis 2.4-25 we see what happened. When God created the earth we know that there was no vegetation growing yet because in… Continue reading The Man and Woman in Eden

The Account Of Creation

Genesis 1-2.3 Vs. 1-2 reads: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Have you ever really thought about that? He created from something that is formless and… Continue reading The Account Of Creation

You Can Homeschool Too!

If you read my last post, “So, about Homeschooling…” then you’ll remember that I grew up without a mom. She passed away when I was 5 but I have only a few memories of her because she was a career woman and left me with baby sitters and then put me in school. That led… Continue reading You Can Homeschool Too!

A Little About A Little Island Called Guam

GUAM. Have you heard of it? When I was a teenager and went to school abroad, there were very little people who knew about Guam – I could count them on one hand. And now, living in the United States, there are still many people who have no idea about it. This is what I… Continue reading A Little About A Little Island Called Guam

About Me

I’ve started this blogging venture because it’s been on my mind for a very long time. I’ve been a Christian for 20+ years and have been studying the Bible while journaling my thoughts and convictions. That said, I now will share those studies with you. My intentions are to read and study the Bible from… Continue reading About Me

From no one to SOMEONE

Cecilia Gombar is a lifestyle blogger and writes about her Bible studies while going through the Bible from cover to cover. She has been a Christian for 22 years and has a passion for God’s divine word. Her goal is to spread the gospel throughout the world and allow her audience the opportunity to see that there is only ONE TRUE God and ONE TRUE church.

Her other interests include:

Her Young Living business that features top selling essential oils and more!

Where she comes from, a tiny spot in the world called Guam.

Homeschooling, because it has been her lifestyle for 24 years.

Keeping a journal and writing to penpals all over the world.