Read Genesis chapter 6
Before this time, people lived for up to 900+ years. Methuselah was the man who lived the longest up to this point. Age 969.
So, after sin entered the world, Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. They had 2 sons; Cain and Abel. Cain killed his brother Abel and became the “homeless wanderer.” After that, Seth was born and from that point the Bible gives an account of the descendants of Adam. One of them, who was highlighted was Noah.
Noah was a righteous man. He was the ONLY blameless person living on the earth at that time! Imagine that! The population was plentiful, yet he was THE ONLY RIGHTEOUS AND BLAMELESS ONE!
But let’s back up. During Noah’s time, people were having lots of kids. Among them were girls who grew to be beautiful women. The sons of God, or fallen angels, took them as wives. UPDATE: Upon looking this up with some commentaries, there was another point of view:
Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament says, and I quote:
“Genesis 6:1-2 relates to the increase of men generally (האדם, without any restriction), i.e., of the whole human race; and whilst the moral corruption is represented as universal, the whole human race, with the exception of Noah, who found grace before God (Genesis 6:8), is described as ripe for destruction (Genesis 6:3 and Genesis 6:5-8). To understand this section, and appreciate the causes of this complete degeneracy of the race, we must first obtain a correct interpretation of the expressions “sons of God” (האלהים בני) and “daughters of men” (האדם בנות). Three different views have been entertained from the very earliest times: the “sons of God” being regarded as (a) the sons of princes, (b) angels, (c) the Sethites or godly men; and the “daughters of men,” as the daughters (a) of people of the lower orders, (b) of mankind generally, (c) of the Cainites, or of the rest of mankind as contrasted with the godly or the children of God.”
According to Wikipedia: “Christian writers such as Justin Martyr, Eusebius, Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Commodianus, believed that the sons of God were fallen angels who engaged in unnatural union with human women, resulting in The begetting of the Nephilim.”
And also:
“The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some bibles but left untranslated in others. Some traditional Jewish explantions interpret them as fallen angels.”
The word Nephilim or Nephilite does not exist in the King James Version (KJV). Instead, it’s the word ”giant” but translated in Hebrew it is “nephil”, pronounced “nef-eel.” It means a {feller} that {is} a bully or tyrant – giant. From Strong’s Concordance, “Nef-eel” comes from “nâphal, H5307, pronounced “naw-fal’,” which means “to fall in a great variety of applications” which the Nephilim were known for.
People were scared of them! They were known to be up to 10 feet tall and were the “heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.” This is probably where the idea of Hercules and Zeus came from (?)
So, why would demons do such a thing? Here’s what I got from – “The Bible does not specifically give us the answer. Demons are evil, twisted beings- so nothing they do should surprise us. As to a distinct motivation, one speculation is that the demons were attempting to pollute the human bloodline in order to prevent the coming of the Messiah. God has promised that the Messiah would one day crush the head of the serpent, Satan (Genesis 3.15). The demons in (Genesis 6) were possible attempting to prevent the crushing of the serpent and make it impossible for a sinless “seed of the woman” to be born. Again, this is not a specifically biblical answer, but it is biblically plausible.”
Now let’s go back to Noah and God. (Vs. 5) “The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil.” (Vs. 6-8) God was sorry he ever made human beings. It broke his heart. He said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing – all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them. But Noah found favor with the Lord.” He walked in close fellowship with God.
He had 3 sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. These sons had wives. (Genesis 6.18). God looked down on earth and all He saw was wickedness so He told Noah that he was going to destroy the earth and everything in it. Imagine hearing that straight from God’s mouth! Imagine the relief also that Noah might’ve felt that God chose him to be the one to live – to make it through that devastation. Imagine his determination to do everything that God told him to do, in the exact manner He wanted him to do it.
Photo by Elias Null on Unsplash
That was to build that famous Ark. God was VERY specific about this. He wanted it built with a specific kind of wood. To be sealed so that it would be waterproof. It had to have decks and stalls inside. It had to be a specific length, width, height. There had to be an opening of a specific measurement below the roof and all around the Ark. The door was to be built on the side of the ark and it had to have 3 decks inside: a lower, middle and upper deck. Now that I think of it, God HAD to instruct Noah on how to build this because no one had ever seen a boat and it had never rained on the earth yet.
But I love how God was there to tell him what to do! He never leaves us guessing. We can always know what he wants by studying His Word and praying. When we really seek Him and His will, He makes things clear for us. He is not a God of confusion but of peace (1 Corinthians 14.33) Once we have that peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4.7), then we just have to obey! Just step out in faith and do it! He’s never going to leave us when He asks us to do something that’s according to his will.
And that’s what Noah did. He didn’t mess with God. He went straight to work. How hard that must’ve been, what a feat! Oh, but what an honor! That work took him a year to 120 years to complete!
100 years based on Genesis 5.32 and 7.6; 120 years based on Genesis 6.3
Some scholars say the chapter closes with God again telling Noah what He is about to do. This is the first covenant (ever) established (vs. 18) – I’ve never noticed that before. He doesn’t say what it is, but He confirms it. Later we will see that God sends a rainbow and promises that He will never again destroy the earth with water.
He tells Noah to get ready for it, to bring along his whole family and every kind of animal whether a bird or a snail or a wild beast or bug and the amazing thing is that he doesn’t have to gather them! They went to HIM. The only thing he had to gather was enough food for him and all the animals. No wonder it took at least a year before all this happened!
So, Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.
Speaking of command, since I am a Christian, I am commanded to tell about the Good News! To tell it to the whole world! But I tell it not only because of a command but because it is GOOD NEWS! GREAT NEWS, actually! I’m sure you’ve heard it before:
God Loves YOU. Yup, YOU. I don’t care how bad you’ve messed up in your life, as long as you have a repentant heart, God will accept you. Not only accept you, but WANTS to accept you. He waits patiently, day after day, because he doesn’t want anyone to perish without coming to him. That would mean that you would miss being with Him in heaven. And he loves you so much that he gave up his only Son, Jesus, so that you can have hope for a beautiful, bright future. An eternal future full of joy. Where no one will ever cry or feel pain or regret or guilt. Not a single negative emotion. Can you imagine a life like that? WHEEEEWW!!!! It blows my mind every time!
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