He’s Still the One

November 10, 2020, Tuesday, 9:38am Today is our 37th wedding anniversary. Angelo usually comes home for his break between runs. I was still sleeping when I heard him walk into the bedroom. He didn’t say anything to me, just changed his clothes and went downstairs. I caught a glimpse of him as he came in… Continue reading He’s Still the One

He Is Everything

My apologies for not being on here every single day. It’s dawned on me that in my “about me” page my goal was to invite you to my daily Bible studies, to let you in on my daily life whether it’s been good or bad. And to share the Gospel. I had forgotten my focus.… Continue reading He Is Everything

Which Church Is True?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many religions and denominations? Have you ever wondered which one is true? As a child I was born and raised Catholic. I remember my grandmother saying the rosary everyday. She was a devout Catholic and went to church even during the week (I think it was twice… Continue reading Which Church Is True?

About Me

I’ve started this blogging venture because it’s been on my mind for a very long time. I’ve been a Christian for 20+ years and have been studying the Bible while journaling my thoughts and convictions. That said, I now will share those studies with you. My intentions are to read and study the Bible from… Continue reading About Me