The Account Of Creation

Genesis 1-2.3

Vs. 1-2 reads: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Have you ever really thought about that? He created from something that is formless and empty. Can you even imagine that? I can’t really. Not with everything around me, the trees, clouds, ocean, mountains, flowers, animals, etc. How could such a beautiful world have ever been empty? But it was and without faith in God, one will not believe it. I mean, I was also thinking about this: We are all born into this world but we have parents. God doesn’t have any 😛 Another thing we have to have faith for.

Even though the earth was empty and dark there was water. Deep water. God has a thing for water. He flooded the entire earth with it. (Genesis 6.9-17) He parted the Red Sea to let the Israelites pass. (Exodus 14:21-31) He parted the Jordan River when Joshua had to take them across. (Joshua 3-4) When Jesus’ side was pierced, blood and water flowed out. (John 19:34) We have to be baptized in water. (Mark 1.4-5) Yes, like Carrie Underwood’s song sings, “There must be something in the water…”

Verse 3 and following God is speaking. He’s saying words. The Word is Jesus! (John 1.1-3) Jesus is called the Word because he was sent to earth to reveal his Father’s mind. So now we see that in the beginning, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit are together. And there we have the Trinity, God in 3 persons. (1 John 5.6-8)

When God created everything all he did was SPEAK it and it happened right at that moment! What a great God we have!

On day 1, he created light and darkness and had them separated from each other. He called it “day and night.”

On day 2, he created a space between the waters of the earth and the waters of the heavens. He called this space “the sky.” I’m thinking that this was probably also the day that he might’ve created the planets. How I came to this conclusion is because of the word “heavens.” In the heavens there is the sky (the first heaven), space (the second heaven), and heaven (the actual heaven that Christians go to when they die). Paul talks about the third heaven in 2 Corinthians 12.7.

On day 3, he told the waters beneath the sky to separate into one place so that ground may appear. He called the dry ground “land” and the waters “seas.” He also created vegetation of all sorts of seed-bearing plants and trees.

On day 4, he created 2 great lights. I’m thinking it was the sun and the moon because it separated the day and the night. It was to mark the seasons, days, and years. One was larger (the sun) and the other smaller (the moon). I get a bit confused about this because this was already day 4 but yet on the very first day and each day after, there was already morning and night. Maybe it is God’s way of allowing us to understand that he created everything in 6 days. Otherwise, how would we actually know? The other lights he made were the stars and that was actually specified not like the moon and sun which weren’t specified.

On day 5, God created fish and every animal in the seas that swarms and scurries, and every kind of bird that flies in the sky.

On day 6, God created every kind of livestock, every small animal that scurry on the ground, and every kind of wild animal.

Then he saved the best for last. At least that’s what I think, because that’s when he created man. And man was created in his image. And man was made to rule and reign over the fish, birds, livestock, wild animals, and small animals.

He made the fruits and vegetables so that humans and animals alike would consume them. Adam and Eve were vegetarians before sin entered the world. It’s no wonder that it’s good for us to be vegetarian. I believe this is how we were actually meant to eat from the beginning.

I think it’s important that when he created live things he told them all to “be fruitful and multiply”. As for plants and trees he told them to sprout and produce seeds”. So God is very big on procreation.

Everything was created in 6 days, not 7 because on the 7th day God rested. That’s a statement that I’M saying but I’m not really sure.

The Bible says, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them. And on the 7th day God FINISHED his work that he had done, and he RESTED on the 7th day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the 7th day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” (ESV) Other versions say the same thing, in that context.

So, since he rested on the 7th day does that mean that he finished on that day too? Or did he finish on the 6th day and then rest on the 7th? I don’t know why this was so puzzling for me. All these years I have just always thought that he rested on the 7th day but reading it now it’s like he did both on the 7th day yet he didn’t? See? Every time I read Scripture, I learn something new! God’s word never gets dull!

Nevertheless, after each day of his creation, God saw that everything he created was GOOD. And on the very last day of creation, God looked at everything he made and he saw that it was VERY GOOD! He was so pleased with what he created!

Imagine you yourself working on a project and finishing it and you feel good at what you see. Imagine that feeling magnified. I think that’s what God felt and saw when he created the world and everything in it!

Oh and btw, if you have time check out the things I have for sale in my Ecwid store! Click on “store” on the menu above.


By admin

Hello! I'm Cecilia and I'm from the beautiful island of Guam. I am married with 6 grown kids. In my spare time I like to read, write, cross-stitch, journal and write to penpals. But my first love is the Lord and I'd like to share my life's journey with you.


  1. God is Love (1 John 4:8)
    God loved us first (1 John 4:19)
    It shows his Love in his creation & in giving us his only begotten son, Jesus.(John 3:16)
    I love the way God’s Power is shown since the beginning when the earth was formless. A miracle in itself; his miraculous works, gifts & Promises to us all.

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