Continuing my study of The Account Of Creation I now get to the part when man was created. Remember that he was created on the 6th day but here it tells how.
From Genesis 2.4-25 we see what happened. When God created the earth we know that there was no vegetation growing yet because in order for things to grow there must be rain to water it.
And God had not yet made it rain. And there was no one to work in the land to tend to it.
But God made springs or mists to come up from the bottom of the land to water everything.
From that land/ground he used the dust to make the first human being, Adam.
Adam had no parents.
He was born as a grown person.
He could speak and understand things already.
He could walk.
I’ve heard it mentioned that he was probably a teenager already. Isn’t that something?
When God created Adam he was already grown up! But he was not alive yet until God breathed life into his nostrils.
On the earth God planted a garden called Eden. In it he placed Adam. Ever wonder what it was like?
I was reading a book called, “Havah” by: Tosca Lee. I know it is fiction but she has a great imagination in describing what The Garden Of Eden might’ve looked like. Of course we don’t really know, except that it was part of creation. I wonder if it was it landscaped?
And there were 4 rivers that ran through it. Actually it was 1 river that divided and flowed into 4.
I find it interesting that there could be found gold, onyx, and aromatic resin in some parts of those rivers.
Why was it there in the beginning? Why would Adam need those things? Perhaps because God knows everything. He sees everything from whatever point in life we’re at, beginning to end, so maybe he placed it there because he knew Adam would sin and would need it later for whatever he could use it for.
This also confirms that God made everything including the elements of the earth.
We know that he made trees, the ocean, land and sky etc., but here also we see some things we may have missed as part of that creation.
God literally thought of EVERYTHING at the time of creation!
There also, were many trees that were beautiful and produced all kinds of fruits and vegetation.
Among those trees were 2 other trees that God had placed in the middle of the garden.
One of them was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The other, the tree of life. Here I noticed that God told him not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Adam was told that he couldn’t even touch it and that came with a warning that if he did, he would die.
But God didn’t say anything about the tree of life. At least not yet.
At this point Adam was so innocent.
He knew nothing bad.
All he knew was God and all he saw was what was around him which the Bible describes as good.
So good was all around him and everything was perfect.
The Tree of the “knowledge of good and evil” I don’t think Adam could even fathom. Like did he ask, “What is this ‘evil’ thing?”, “What did God mean by ‘evil’?”
The other tree, the Tree of Life was the tree that would allow a person to live forever but that is not determined at this time yet. Imagine that!
I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to live forever. Not in this world with all its changes and how things are getting worst with each generation!
But I would like, no scratch that, I would LOVE to live forever if it was in paradise! Like in the Garden of Eden before the fall, before sin entered the world.
But of course, God already knew that this was just the beginning and that there would be an even better plan.
God saw that even after everything He had created Adam was alone.
Alone, really? He had God!
And everything was brought to him! He was like a king!
Oh, and did you know that during creation God only spoke and it happened?
But with the first human, he was formed from the ground, the dust, God actually TOUCHED the ground and formed Adam as well as every animal!
When I said earlier that Adam was like a king, its because these animals were BROUGHT to him and God let him name each one.
How he came up with those names amazes me since it was his first time to see them! It must’ve been fun though blurting out new words!
“Oh I think I’ll call this one a Hippopotamus since it’s big and fat.”
“This one’s a giraffe for sure because of it’s long neck.”
“Dinosaur, because it’s pre-historic” (except that it’s not at that time :p)
Deer. Sheep. Rabbit. Zebra. Cheetah. You get the picture…
Or did he say it by their scientific name?
And I wonder if any of those names had meaning like human names do.
Ooh, and my favorite part of creation, tun tun tun…woman!
She was special!!! So special that Adam had to be put to sleep.
God performed surgery on him! He took out one of Adam’s ribs!
Out of that rib, woman was created. She was not created from dust or ground. She was FORMED from Adam’s RIB! From another human being!
I don’t know about you but that makes me feel pretty special even though I’m not literally made from my husband’s rib.
Just knowing that the first woman was made in that incredibly special way!
When God brought her to Adam he was amazed! The New Living Translation says that his words were, “At last!” (I like how that version says it.)
So out went loneliness and aloneness.
And he named her woman because she was made from his bone and taken out his flesh.
And then and there the first institution was established, the institution of marriage.
So Adam and his wife, who still had no name at this point, were now face to face and naked.
But they felt NO shame.
***Taken from Genesis 2.4-25. Read and studied from the (NLT) New Living Translation and compared with other translations such as the (KJV) King James Version and the (NIV) New International Version.
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